Trying to use the 16MP Camera Module for Raspberry Pi by Arducam. The camera uses the Sony IMX519 sensor, and the aim is to feed the video into AWS Kinesis Video Streams.

Following along the guide at things worked as they should, but then the GStreamer commands didn’t work. Apparently using ‘bullseye’ instead of ‘buster’ has something to do with it:

So the combination of a new OS version with a “non-standard” sensor didn’t quite work out of the box.

Found this online: (commented yesterday!) which helped.

The thing that finally worked:

gst-launch-1.0 -vvv libcamerasrc ! 'video/x-raw,colorimetry=bt709,format=NV12,interlace-mode=progressive,width=1280,height=720,framerate=30/1' ! v4l2h264enc extra-controls=controls,video_bitrate_mode=0,video_bitrate=1000000,repeat_sequence_header=1 ! 'video/x-h264,profile=high,level=(string)4.2' ! h264parse ! kvssink stream-name="<stream-name>" access-key="<access-key>" secret-key="<secret-key>" aws-region="<aws-region>"

(basically copied parts of the answer and attached part of the original GStreamer commmand). It’s a bit blurry and very dark, but maybe that’s just me.

I don’t quite understand “colorimetry” and the format “NV12”, and I’m sure it can do better than 1280x720 (16MP sensor). I’ll play with it a bit and see what happens.

UPDATE: Found so I don’t think there’s much to play with. The result is a bit disappointing, because it’s blurry and the colours are very faded. I’m sitting in a fairly dark room, so maybe it’s OK, but it’s supposed to be auto-focus, so maybe there’s something I can do about the blurriness.