
IAM Roles Anywhere

Trying to figure out how to use IAM Roles Anywhere. There’s a good guide here but I’ve never done this before, so trying one step at a time.

To understand what’s going on, I’ll start with the AWS console, and follow the guide. Then maybe I can use CDK (there’s only L1 support).

I’m trying to run aws s3 sync with temporary credentials. If all else fails, I can just create an IAM user with fixed credentials, but it’s not as good.


The first part is an AWS Private Certificate Authority. I think I can create that using CDK.

Well, that was short lived. Yes, I can create it using CDK, but the pricing is a bit eye-watering:

The charge for operating a private CA is as follows:

  • $400 per private CA per month for general-purpose mode

So that’s it then.